Prices of all massages

30 Min ......... $25.00 USD

1 Hour ......... $35.00 USD

90 Min ......... $55.00 USD

2 Hours ........ $70.00 USD

* Couples Massage Option

* Two Therapists Option

Make an Appointment NOW

Steps to Order your massage

Step 1: Choose the duration of your massage, it can be 30 minutes, one hour, 90 minutes or two hours.

Step 2: Choose the style of massage you want. If you choose a massage with a duration of 90 minutes, you can choose 2 styles. If you choose a massage lasting 2 hours or more, you can choose 3 massage styles in your session.

Step 3: Choose the Intensity , progressively from 1 to 5.

Step 4: Choose if you prefer your shower before or after your massage.

Types of massages

masaje milagroso - Masaje relajante


It’s a gentle and relaxing massage with a relaxing technique, designed to neutralize stress, the simplest massage.

masaje milagroso - Masaje de tejido

Tissue Massage:

A high-pressure massage, that allows deep penetration of muscles and tissue. This kind of massage is designed for people with muscle knots and tension. It provides a feeling of well-being after this massage due to it is extremely soothing and that helps to release endorphins.

masaje milagroso - Masaje Sueco

Swedish massage:

This is a slow and gentle massage on the superficial layers of the muscles. This style is recommended for people who do not usually attend to massage sessions.

masaje milagroso - Masaje Deportivo

Sport massage:

A combination of stretching muscles that helps to complement a good routine of physical exercise. Recommended for people who go to the gym, soccer players, among others and that can also help to prevent injuries as well as it increases flexibility.

masaje milagroso - Masaje Tailandes

Thai massage:

Although it’s ideal name would be stretch massage the Thai massage can be compared to Yoga; Increasing flexibility, helps reduce stress, and helps people to obtain clarity.

masaje milagroso - Masaje Rostro, manos y pies

Face, hands and feet massage:

Perfect when you only have 30 minutes of massage time. This massage technique can provide benefits such as increased circulation to the brain, which in turn can improve headaches, concentration, and alertness. Massaging the feet, hands and face has shown that it helps to release endorphins, in addition to providing a pleasant experience.

masaje milagroso - Masaje Exfoliante

Masaje Exfoliante

Masaje con Sal del Mar Muerto. se recomienda agregarse a una sesión de masaje de 90 minutos. Elija uno de los estilos anteriores y agregue este masaje durante los últimos 30 minutos. Esto alimentará su piel , ademas de que su alta concentración de minerales que pueden desintoxicar, tonificar y mejorar el aspecto de su piel. Esto deja la piel con un aspecto más joven y una sensación más suave.